
Showing posts from August, 2019


Each of us was born with the light of Christ and an innate desire to know God.  The most fundamental questions asked by all people, "What is the purpose of life?"  "Why are we here?"  "Is there life after death?"   We have an innate desire to seek for truth and to come to understand the meaning of life and to know God.  As we progress on our journey through life, it is not a clear and easy path that leads us directly to truth and correct knowledge.  Satan, the enemy of our souls, is clever, cunning, and deceitful. He masterfully designs counterfeits to all real truth.  He mixes in just enough truth with falsehood in order to deceive.  He continually strives to make it difficult for us to recognize and find truth. Throughout history Satan has introduced false belief systems and counterfeits to God's truth.    What does this have to do with Halloween?    I am sure you are thinking, I dress my little guy in a Supe...